Monday, 18 March 2013

Fallas Day 3

We ventured out fairly late yesterday, after a slow and relaxed start to the day.  I was very grateful for this, after being warned how little sleep I'd get during Fallas.

We had intended to go and see some of the flower ceremony where the fallereras take flowers to a huge statue of the Virgin Mary.  However huge crowds and rain meant that wasn't really possible, but we got some pictures anyway.  Cue lots of them...

This was taken just as it started to rain more heavily, and I loved this girl's reaction!

I knew a lot of people are involved in Fallas but until you see this procession going on for hours, I don't think you can really comprehend the scale.

I absolutely love the dresses.  The fabrics are so intricate and bright, and I've never seen 2 exactly the same, although I'm sure they must duplicate materials.  I loved seeing the range of people, from older couples, young girls, children and babies, all dressed up in their finery.

Due to the wet weather, we headed home, via one of the main streets which we hadn't walked down yet, to see some other fallas.

These aren't the best pictures, as it was so overcast, but I'm not going back to take more photos in the sunshine!  There are far too many in this city for that!

I think this is my favourite that I've seen so far, partly because it comes across so well in a picture, and partly because I found it amusing. 

Anyone who's visited us knows this is a little busier than the city centre usually is on a Sunday afternoon...

This one is just over the riverbed from us, and I'm not entirely sure why it has a Kung Fu Panda and the Olympics rings.  But it's probably best not to try and understand the fallas.  I'd drive myself crazy.

After a lush dinner at Sorci e Morsi, we went to watch more fireworks to end another fab, Fallasy day.

We had a better vantage point last night, on a bridge over the park, but for tonight's lot (slighter later, at 1.30am), we're going to head further down the park to get even closer.  

I'll get today's pictures up as soon as I can!

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